miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2009

A deeper Shade of Blue de Jack McCoy

A Deeper Shade of Blue, es el ultimo proyecto de nuestro amigo Jack McCoy, que tiene previsto su estreno el próximo año 2010 y que estuvo por aqui hace unos años presentando su anterior trabajo. Actualmente en fase de post producción y que trataremos de traer el la próxima edición, su director nos a mandado dos minutos a modo de anticipo y que son PRIMICIA MUNDIAL como nos dice el propio Jack. El trayler solo podrá ser visto durante las proyecciones del festival que abajo se detallan.

Concretamente se podrá ver junto a :

Walking on Water de Bryan Jennings el sábado 14 de noviembre a las 17,00 horas.

The Drifter de Taylor Steele el sábado 14 de noviembre a las 20,00 horas. y domingo 15 a las 22,00 horas.

You Scratched my Unchord de Mitch Abshere el sábado 14 de noviembre a las 22,30 horas.

Hanging Five de Chris Cutri el domingo 15 de noviembre a las 17,00 horas.

The Present de Thomas Campbell l domingo 15 de noviembre a las 20,15 horas.

Os adjunto unos links donde podréis seguir el trabajo de Jack:

Aquí tenéis un pase de fotos:


Y aquí la pagina oficial de la película donde hay un vídeo impresionante:


lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2009

Cabecera Festi -Texto Explicativo - Ingles/Español

04 Surf Film Festival Ciudad de Santander from flying on Vimeo.

The new and fourth edition of the Surf Film Festival of Santander, in Spain, will take place in Los Angeles movie Theater from the 11th. to the 15th. of November. The 04 Surf Film Festival Ciudad de Santander is organized by the Municipality of Santander in collaboration with La Caixa (bank), printing Ter, El Diario Montanes (press), Onda Cero radio and for the first time, collaborate generously the U.S. magazine Surfer. This fourth edition of the already established festival, which is held once a year in Santander, Spain, intends to bring a global outlook to our sport, and approuch to rich history and culture and all the with the intencion to show at all audiences, surfers and no surfers alike. This is a different approach to the culture of this young sport that is so strongly rooted in our region and country. This edition follows the original line in terms of structure, this means a important photo exhibit in the loby of the Movie Theater, a look at our region by the hand of local photographers and film makers, the best surf productions of the year made worldwide and of course some good live music with the best groups of town.

A major exhibition this year comes from Photographer Ron Stoner, who may be first seen in Spain. This comes courtesy of Surfer magazine and gives us the chance to show 20 jewels of Ron Stoner from the invaluable vaults of this historical magazine. Ron Stoner is (one of) the most important photographers of the history of surfing. From 1965 to 1967 he was working as the top photographer for SURFER magazine, been the first surf photographer in nominee and with a card for expenses. His images full of beauty, were cleaner, richer, brighter and better-composed than anybody else’s. Like fellow surf photography legend Art Brewer said " The best moments in a surfer´s life, Stoner caught them". His influence in posterior photographers is incalculable. His meteoric rise to the top was amazing; and so was his fall. His late cameos with drugs and his own psychological problems, sadly made him disappeared from the scene. His last work dated from 1971, been first reported missing in 1977 and subsequently declared dead in 1994, although his body was never found. There are many legends about Stoner, but nothing is better than seeing his beautiful snapshots to discover and remember the golden age of the world of surfing in the California of the 1960’s by the hand of the most important surf photographer ever.

Another highlight of the festival will be the showcasing of seven local photographers and their digital work. This will provide a summary of what has been a year (very good) at the surfing scene in our region. Local photographers include Jose Pellón, Jose Haya, Pablo Camino, Alfonso Nieva, Sergio García, Raúl Gunche, Nacho Valdivieso and Hector Barrero. Another activity that fills us with joy is the presentation of two documentaries, filmed on our shores, by Cantabrian filmmakers. We will have the debut of Eduardo Sanchez with Serial B and the new foray into the genre of the young filmmaker Hector Barrero with Ocean Room. Fourteen titles will be presented this year. We will have a chance to see Jeff Parker’s ‘Echo Beach’, which will open the festival. Mikey Detemple’s ‘Picaresque’, ‘Fresh Fruits for Rotten Vegetables’ by Steve Cleveland, ‘The Innermost Limits of Pure Fun’ by George Greenough, 1968 (the only Classic film scheduled this year) will follow. We also will be highlighting the following movies: ‘The Present’ by Thomas Campbell, without doubt, one of the best films this year. The beautiful ‘The Ripple Effect’ of Mike Sanders. The artistic ‘Hanging Five’ by Chris Cutri. ‘You Scratched my Unchord’ by Mitch Absher and which will be discussed later. ‘The Driffter’. The latest production by Taylor Steele with Rob Machado and scheduled to be only two functions. ‘Walking on water’ by Bryan Jennings. ‘Lost Prophets search for the Colective’ by Nathan Apffel. ‘Dear & Yonder’ by Tiffany and Andria Lesser and created with a female audience in mind. ‘Tom’s Creation Plantation’ by Cyrus Sutton is about the resurgence of the old style Hawaiian surfboards by Tom Wegener. And finally, a preview of ‘Displacement’, the anticipated film debut of Californian artist Alex Kopps. A last entry to the festival is a short preview of The Tyler Warren Experiments by John Smart, that is not in the program and could be seen acompaning other shows.. Cosult the blog for schedules.

In coordination with the Council of youth, the festival has organized an activity entitled ‘The Night of Rock and Surf ‘ on Nov. 14th. There will be a performance by local band Cantabro Soul Gestapo followed by the Surf documentary ‘You Scratched my Unchord’ by Mitch Absher. This groundbreaking production, packed with action, a powerful band sound and hilarious Sketches featuring surfers themselves, is filmed entirely in California and will certainly delight the audience. This activity will be entirely free.

The Tayler Warren Experiments.... (avance)

The Tayler Warren Experiments, es el próximo proyecto de John Smart. Actualmente en fase de post produccion y que al no poder llegar a tiempo este año, su director nos a mandado 10 minutos a modo de anticipo. Este es el vídeo para los que no puedan verlo en pantalla grande que se proyectara a modo de avance y que a acompañara a otras producciones.

Concretamente se podrá ver junto a :

Fresh Fruits for Rotten Vegetables de Steve Cleveland el jueves 12 de noviembre a las 17,00 horas.

The Ripple Efect de Mike Sander el viernes 13 a las 17,00 horas.

Lost Prophets search for the colective de Nathan Apffel el viernes 13 a las 22,00 horas.

domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2009

Proyección Digital de Fotografías de Surfing Cántabro

Pase de fotografías ambientado con música, de la escena Cántabra de la mano de siete estupendos fotógrafos de la comunidad surfera: José Pellón, Pablo Camino, José Haya, Alfonso Nieva, Sergio García, Héctor Barrero, Raúl Gunche y Nacho Valdivieso.

Se proyectara el domingo 15 de noviembre a las 19,00 horas.

Entrada Libre hasta completar el Aforo – Recogida de invitaciones en taquilla el mismo día de la función.

LA NOCHE ES JOVÉN Actuación de Soul Gestapo

Soul Gestapo

Power-trio formado en 2002, compuesto por Aitor Ochoa, Raúl Real e Iñaki Garcia. Después de tres discos ("MUSTH" (2007), "THE SECOND COMING OF THE SOUL GESTAPO" (2006) y "THE RISE OF THE SOUL GESTAPO" (2004), aparte de participar en varios recopilatorios, los dos primeros están hace tiempo agotados), acaban de sacar un single de lo que será su próximo larga duración, el cual será editado antes de que acabe el año.

Temas con personalidad y, a la vez, con pequeñas concesiones que pueden recordar al mejor rock setentero, algo de hard rock quizá; aunque, repito, Soul Gestapo sabe hacer suyo un terreno propio e independiente donde las influencias quedan en los aledaños.

"Potentes y seguros de lo que hacen, desprovistos de toda pose y en cambio provistos de un grado de elegancia muy poco común, los Soul Gestapo están particularmente dotados para ensamblar canciones evocadoras que crecen a cada escucha" Eso es lo que dice una de sus últimas críticas.

Soul Gestapo actuara en el marco del festival dentro del programa La Noche es Jovén, que tendrá lugar el sábado 14 de noviembre a las 22,00 horas. Entrada Libre hasta completar el aforo. Recogida de invitaciones en taquilla el mismo día de la actuación. Y tras la actuación se proyectara “You Scratched My Anchor!”.